Sunday, July 8, 2012

Faces of Burundi

A quick look at my country and some of what it has to offer...

Armed Youth

Bujumbura. This is the largest city in my country.

House-building in rural Burundi. It's a family affair.

Ritual drummers.

Burundian mother and children.

Muddy water. Clean water is much harder to get in Burundi than just walking to a faucet. Most Burundians must draw from wells and carry the water to their homes, oftentimes more than once a day.

Pierre Nkurunziza, the current president of Burundi after decades of tribal warfare and violence.

Sunset at Ruvubu Reserve, the largest national park in Burundi.

Tea fields. Tea is on of Burundi's main exports.

Burundian women.

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